
The primary treatment provided by acupuncturists involves placing specialized needles in a patient’s meridians, or energy pathways. Acupuncture needles are sterile and about as thick as a strand of hair. The practitioner might use these needles warmed or at room temperature, depending on the patient and treatment. Patients will also go through a brief Medical Exam & a History intake, which incl... Read More

The primary treatment provided by acupuncturists involves placing specialized needles in a patient’s meridians, or energy pathways. Acupuncture needles are sterile and about as thick as a strand of hair. The practitioner might use these needles warmed or at room temperature, depending on the patient and treatment. Patients will also go through a brief Medical Exam & a History intake, which includes the practitioner examining the patient's tongue and pulse.

Gary is a graduate of South Baylo University, where he earned his MSAOM (Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) Degree & acquired his Acupuncture License in 2020. A generous acupuncture practitioner that cares and takes time with his patients to make them feel comfortable and relaxed during their therapeutic sessions.

Gary is a graduate of South Baylo University, where he earned his MSAOM (Master of Science in Acu... Read More

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